Coaches Info

What is a suspended coach/functionary allowed to do?


The suspended coach/functionary is not part of the team during his suspension and his league wide accreditation is not valid during his suspension. He is not allowed to sign any game report, other team documents, and cannot give any official statement on behalf of the club.

A suspended coach/functionary is NOT ALLOWED to do the following:

  • Be in the locker-room area 1 hour before the game and not before 30 minutes after the game has officially ended
  • Stay within the mixed-zone on the way from the locker room to the player bench
  • Stay at or next to the players bench
  • Get in contact with the players bench, coaches, players, or team personnel by any means (electronic devices, etc.)

The suspended coach/functionary can watch home games as well as away games from the spectator area. His ticket has to be taken from the respective ticket allocation of his team for away games. The respective home club must be informed in good time prior to the game.


If the suspended coach/functionary does not act according to these rules, this will lead to another decision by the penalty commission of the ICE Hockey League.


Club managers are responsible for the observation and supervision of these rules and have to inform the arena-security personal when the suspended coach/functionary is coming for the respective away game.

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