17th season of the ICE Hockey League starts

On September 13 Austria's top hockey league starts into the next season. The domestic and international clubs of the league will try beat the defending champion EC-KAC. The attractiveness of the ICE Hockey League seems to be unbroken - the numbers of spectators in the halls confirm this.

"Our involvement in ice hockey has moved a lot in recent years. With the promotion of young talents and a general improvement of structures, the sport could be put on the right track for the future", Peter Bosek, CEO of the Erste Bank said. "We are looking forward to another season full of exciting games and captivating moments."

For Erste Bank's young customers, the coveted Spark7 ticket competition will once again be held in the upcoming season. 10x2 tickets will be awarded for every home game of the Austrian teams. However, Erste Bank is not only involved in ice hockey, but is also the main sponsor of the Vienna City Marathon, the erste bank vienna night run and the Erste Bank Open in the Wiener Stadthalle.