- ICE Hockey League Game Officials
Assignments: All games in the ICE Hockey League will be officiated by licensed referees and linesmen according to the four-man system. The game officials shall be nominated and appointed by the ICE Hockey League Director of Hockey Operations in consultation with the ICE Hockey League Director of Officiating.
The ICE Hockey League has appointed a Director of Officiating for the 2022-23 season who will be assisted by the ICE Hockey League Director of Hockey Operations.
ICE Hockey League officials’ pool: The ICE Hockey League officials’ pool shall consist of foreign and domestic referees and linesmen. The ICE Hockey League referee pool shall contain the best ranked officials, regardless of nationality.
Acceptance of referee assignments: No participating club or league shall be able to protest the ICE Hockey League’s appointment of any referee and/or linesmen to any ICE Hockey League game.
Inability to fulfill an assignment: Should an ICE Hockey League game official not be able to officiate a game for any reason (i.e., illness, travel incidents, etc.), the ICE Hockey League reserves the right to replace the game official with any game official assigned by the ICE Hockey League.
Logistics: The ICE Hockey League Office, together with the ICE Hockey League Director of Officiating, will be in charge of the travel logistics for the game officials.
Game official transportation: If requested, the home club shall arrange transportation for game officials from the nearest airport or railway station to/from the hotel, arena and any other official venue. The referee attendant shall be in charge of game official transportation.
ICE Hockey League game official’s duties: The regulations and duties as set out in the IIHF Official Rule Book in its current version shall apply for the referees, linesmen and off-ice officials.
ICE Hockey League Case Book: During the course of each season, the emergence of new situations arises. In certain situations, we cannot guarantee with certainty the situations have support from the IIHF Rule Book or IIHF Case Book. In addition, the ICE Hockey League governing body in cooperation with the Department of Player Safety (DOPS) has specific rule amendments developed. The purpose of the ICE Hockey League Case Book is to clarify the interpretation of specific rules and in specific cases a modification to the existing IIHF rule. This document serves as an official release of the interpretation and governing rules for the ICE Hockey League season. The interpretations set forth in the ICE Hockey League Case Book will replace or in specific cases supersede the ruling and interpretation that is currently written in the IIHF Rule Book. For all rules not mentioned in the ICE Hockey League Case Book, the official IIHF Rule Book, in its current version, and IIHF Case Book will serve as the official ruling.
Immediately following each game, one game official (representing the thought of the four game officials) must text, e-mail or phone the Director of Hockey Operation (DOPS) to notify of any potential issues or that the game was issue free. - ICE Hockey League Game Supervisor
The ICE Hockey League and its leagues nominate, and the ICE Hockey League appoints, an ICE Hockey League game supervisor for random ICE Hockey League games. The game supervisor is required to send- a general written report to the ICE Hockey League Office, and
- a disciplinary report which includes all incidents requiring supplementary jurisdiction and the corresponding referee/linesmen report to the ICE Hockey League Sport Board (preferably within) one hour after each ICE Hockey League game but no later than 10:00am the following day.
The participating clubs must follow all decisions and instructions of the ICE Hockey League game supervisor at all times. - a general written report to the ICE Hockey League Office, and
- Video Exchange System
Prior to the start of the season, the ICE Hockey League will inform all clubs about any video exchange program of game footage.Such footage may be used by the ICE Hockey League Disciplinary Committee to review game relevant scenes and if necessary, award penalties, suspensions or fines to clubs, players, coaches, or other club staff.
- Offenses
Violations of the principles and rules found in below are punishable by means of disciplinary measures in accordance with these disciplinary regulations. - General Principles of Conduct
All persons bound by these ICE Hockey League disciplinary regulations must respect the laws of the game, as well as the ICE Hockey League law, directives, and decisions, and comply with the principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship.A breach of the principles of loyalty, integrity and sportsmanship is committed by anyone bound by these disciplinary regulations:
- Who engages in or attempts to engage in active or passive bribery and/or corruption directly or indirectly related to an ICE Hockey League game.
- Whose conduct is insulting or otherwise violates the basic rules of decent conduct.
- Who uses ICE Hockey League games for manifestations of a non-sporting nature.
- Whose conduct brings the sport of ice hockey, and the ICE Hockey League in particular, into disrepute.
- Who does not abide by the ICE Hockey League disciplinary system’s decisions or directives or decisions of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) involving the ICE Hockey League as a party.
- Who does not comply with instructions given by the game officials.
- Who culpably reports late – or not at all – for a game or is responsible for a late start.
- Who culpably causes a game to be interrupted or abandoned or is responsible for its interruption or abandonment.
- Who enters a player on a game sheet who is not eligible to participate in the respective game.
- Who commits an act of assault.
- Who behaves in an unsporting manner.
- Who criticizes or insults any ICE Hockey League official, including but not limited to ICE Hockey League officials, in the public (papers, TV, etc.) or social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
- Protection of ICE Hockey League Game Officials
From the time of the ICE Hockey League game official’s arrival until the time of departure from the arena, the home club is in charge of the official’s well-being. Only the referees, linesmen, referee attendant, referee supervisor, point keepers and ICE Hockey League game supervisor are allowed to enter the officials’ locker room. Any unauthorized persons entering the officials’ locker room must be reported to the ICE Hockey League DOHOPS.Referees are to be accompanied from/to the officials’ locker room to/from the ice as well as from/to the parking lot to/from the officials’ locker room. The home club must provide the officials with four protected parking spaces with direct access to the arena.
The cost of a referee’s bodily or property damage which occurs during the course of his duty at an ICE Hockey League game as a result of the home club not providing security will be borne by the home club.
Home clubs are to provide the officials with the following items prior to, during and after the game: mineral water, fruit juice, fruit, food-dinner (after the game), towels, shower products, tape, equipment services and, if necessary, support by the home club doctor/ physiotherapist.
Insult, discrimination and physical violence against an ICE Hockey League game official: no coach, player or team official can make remarks and/or gestures towards an official in an obscene, swearing or derogatory manner or question the integrity of an official’s decision in an unfitting manner at any time. Any person engaging in any type of physical violence towards any official shall be subject to a general arena ban. The respective official shall issue an additional report to the ICE Hockey League Office on any such incidents. - Protection of Teams
The home club must ensure that the team locker rooms are not accessible to spectators. The home club must protect the players’ path to and from the locker room as well as the players and penalty bench to prevent any type of spectator violence (no open space from the backside up to the roofing of the players and penalty bench).Security shall be provided at all times from arrival until departure of a team. The team bus must be provided with an appropriately protected parking space with direct access to the arena.
The cost of a player’s or coaches’ bodily or property damage which occurs during the course of his duty at an ICE Hockey League game as a result of the home club not providing security will be borne by the home club. - Integrity of ICE Hockey League Games and Match Fixing
All persons bound by these ICE Hockey League disciplinary regulations must refrain from any behavior that damages or could damage the integrity of an ICE Hockey League game and must cooperate fully with the ICE Hockey League at all times in its efforts to combat such behavior.The integrity of games is violated by anyone bound by these ICE Hockey League disciplinary regulations:
- Who acts in a manner that is likely to exert an unlawful or undue influence on the course and/or result of an ICE Hockey League game with a view to gaining an advantage for himself or a third party.
- Who participates directly or indirectly in betting or similar activities relating to an ICE Hockey League game or who has a direct or indirect financial interest in such activities.
- Who uses or provides others with information which is not publicly available, which is obtained through his involvement in the ICE Hockey League, and damages or could damage the integrity of an ICE Hockey League game.
- Who does not immediately and voluntarily inform the ICE Hockey League if approached in connection with activities aimed at influencing in an unlawful or undue manner the course and/or result of an ICE Hockey League game.
- Who does not immediately and voluntarily report to the ICE Hockey League any behavior he is aware of that may fall within the scope of this article.
If a violation is notified to the ICE Hockey League after the relevant game stage has finished, such violations shall have no impact on the sporting results of the relevant ICE Hockey League game (the respective ICE Hockey League game cannot be replayed).
- Doping
Doping is punishable in accordance with the IIHF anti-doping regulations, ICE Hockey League Fundamental Rules and these ICE Hockey League disciplinary regulations. - Racism, Discrimination and Propaganda
No person bound by these disciplinary regulations shall insult the human dignity of a person or group of persons, directly or indirectly associated with the ICE Hockey League, by any means, including on the grounds of skin color, race, religion or ethnic origin.All forms of ideological, political and religious propaganda are forbidden.
§ 1 Game Officials and Game Supervisor
- Parent Category: I | Disciplinary Measures
- Category: II. Substantive Law